Our Build
Conversion Diary – Week 4 – Leaky Windows, tracing more wires and Decal Removal
This week seemed pretty uneventful, but we actually did get a good bit accomplished even though we spent less overall time at the bus this week. We really only took one weeknight off each of the first 3 weeks. I think we took 3 weeknights off this week. The time change really took its toll this week. It’s so much harder to get anything done by spotlight, and the first week of the time change always screws me up. Somehow with a 1 hour time change, 9pm suddenly feels like midnight…but we were still able to knock a few things off of the to do list. Leaky Windows Once we…
Conversion Diary – Week 3 – Removing AC fans and almost losing the battle of the Driver’s seat
Week 3 went nothing like we thought it would, but we are pretty sure this is exactly how the entire build will go. We though that week 3 would be all about the floor (grinding, treating rust, and painting), but we spent more time under the bus than we did in the bus. I’m pretty sure we were the dirtiest we’ve ever been. We started the weekend off trying to remove the driver’s seat which proved to be much more difficult than we imagined, and both of us left the bus Friday night feeling defeated. We shouldn’t have been surprised that this seemingly simple task took way more time and…
Skoolie Conversion Diary – Weeks 1 and 2 – Demo
As of today 10/24/2020, we’ve had the bus home for 2 weeks. So far, we have removed the subfloor the previous owner started on (thankfully the seats were already out), removed the heater and AC units, ground out the wheelchair rails, removed the ceiling and wall panels and insulation, and have started to remove the driver’s seat to allow us to rust treat the entire floor. After sitting at a desk for 15 years (Ash), I have loved working on something that is so physically demanding. Besides the occasional bout of fitness obsession or playing softball, I haven’t had much need for physical exertion. I didn’t know that my hands…